
Sussex Garden Poultry offers a range of Point of Lay Hybrid Chickens which lay a variety of white, cream, brown and blue eggs


Please note we NEVER sell single hens.

Please bring a suitable box or carrier to collect your BIRDS

We do NOT accept credit cards, sorry

Chickens are guaranteed for 3 days from the date of your receipt

We do NOT exchange hens due to the egg colour

We CANNOT predict when they will lay

Point of lay is 18-24 weeks of age

Hens usually take 2-4 weeks to settle & lay

Weather, diet, sunlight & age all affect laying

White Egg Layer


Mad as a bag of spanners, flighty, crazy skinny white chickens that lay the most stunning white eggs. very prolific layers producing well over 300 large eggs a year, not everyone's choice, but tameable with patience & time.

£23 each at point of lay

Cream / Light Brown Egg Layer

Black Tail

The Blacktail is a Rhode Island Red x Sussex hen, being a super layer, over 320 - 340 eggs a year, she is also a super friendly hen, her placid nature makes her a super starter bird, very similar to the Red Ranger, but all gold in colouring with black tips to her tail feathers

£23 each at point of lay

Cream / Light Brown Egg Layer


This stunning hen is also known as the Blue Haze or Blue Ranger, ever popular girl of the flock, heaviest of the hybrids & tends to be the matriarch.  She lays a large cream coloured egg, around 260 - 280 a year. French Copper Maran hybrids, some of these girls have a pretty flash of gold or white to their chest feathers

£23 each at point of lay

Cream Egg Layer

Light Sussex

A really pretty hybrid hen with striking apperance with white feathers and black neck feathers. The Light Sussex hen will lay you around 260 cream / light brown coloured eggs a year, she is a docile chicken, great for free ranging as you can easily spot her roaming about.

A must for any Sussex hen keeper.

£23 each at point of lay 

Cream / Light Brown Egg Layer

Red Ranger

We love the Red Ranger, she is the kindest bird in the hen house, also known as the Loman, Warren or Isa Brown hen, she will lay you over 320 - 340 cream to light brown coloured eggs a year.  An ideal starter hen she is a great choice of chicken for families with young children as she is easily tamed. They have pretty brown feathers with white under feathers and tail.

£23 each at point of lay

Cream / Light Brown Egg Layer

Silver Sussex / Black Sussex

With their striking good looks these handsome Silver Sussex hens lay around 260 - 280 eggs a year. Easy going hens, similar in nature to the light sussex, but reverse in colour. The markings differ for each hen within this breed, with some appearing almost all black and others having contrasting silvery white laced feathers down their chest and onto their wings. The black feathers on this breed often have a beautiful green sheen in the sunlight, making them a stunning addition to any flock.  They lay a large cream / light brown egg & are a pretty addition to your flock.

£23 each at point of lay

Brown Egg Layer

Copper Maran

The  Copper Maran is a really pretty hen, very easy going in nature & will lay you a lovely brown egg, she has striking grey legs & dark bronze chest feathers. laying 260 - 280 brown eggs a year makes this hen a must for a multi coloured egg box

£23 each at point of lay

Brown Egg Layer

Rhode Rock

A fantastic hens that lay light brown medium size eggs around 300 per year. Also known as a Black Rock or Bovans Nera, her stunning iridescent blue/black/green feathers & stunning gold collar & easy going nature make this hen a great choice to add to any flock

£23 each at point of lay

Brown Egg Layer


The lovely Speckledy hybrid hen is a layer of light brown eggs, sometimes speckled, they say the more feathery her legs, the more speckled the eggs & laying around 260 - 280 medium size eggs a year, she is a pretty docile hen

£23 each at point of lay

Blue Egg Layer


The Emerald is a replacement for the Skyline in 2020.  The breeder is no longer supplying the Skyline, sorry. 

They are predominantly pale grey to white in colour, often with black, grey or brown splashes. Their Araucana lineage means that most of these birds are "rumpless", meaning that they have no or very little tail. Some will also feature ear tuffs or beards, giving them a very noticeable and slightly comical appearance. The Sapphire hens have a 98% chance of laying a blue/green egg. Sapphires have a slight frame and are quite quick when young, but are also friendly birds with a gentle temperament and an inquisitive nature.

260 - 280 Blue Eggs / year 

£26 each at point of lay 

We can never guarantee 100% blue eggs, but our blue layers are genetically bred to produce blue eggs.