Hen Holidays

If you are just going away for a few days or a couple of weeks you can rest assured your hens will be looked after her at Kilsham Farm. Your Hens or even your ducks will be kept in our back garden, where you can deliver them into their secure accomodation, which has been pressure washed between each holiday. They will either stay in an Eglu Classic Coop which holds up to 3 birds with a 2 meter run or a Eglu Cube which we recommend holds up to 6 birds with also a 2 mter run.
Each Coop and run will be moved on a regular basis to allow your hens to graze in our garden. Hens/Cockerels and Ducks will be kept in their family runs and not mixed with other hens. You are welcome to bring along their favourite treats but we do have meal worms for them as their evening treat. They will have access to layers pellets and clean water at all times.
Your eggs will be collected for you, for when you return.
We have 5 Eglu Classic Coops and 5 Eglu Cube Coops available for holdiays.
Eglu Classic Coop £6/night/coop
Eglu Cube Coop £11/night/coop
Please email to arrange a booking or ask any questions to